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Thursday, December 30, 2010

WorldRemit: Adeeg Cusub oo Wakhti Badan La Sugayey (Goob kasta iyo Goor Kastaba)

By: Architect/Eng. Hussein Adan Igeh (Hussein Deyr) |UK|

Immisa ayaad diraysaa? Halkee loo dirayaa? Yaa diraya? Yaa loo dirayaa? …!

Shaki la’aan, qof kasta oo booqda xarumaha lacagaha laga xawilo, waxaa badanaaba uu maqlaa ama dhegihiisa ku soo dhaca afarta su’aalood ee kor ku xusan.
Waa su’aalaha ay Shirkadaha Xawaaladuhu weydiiyaan macaamiishooda lacagaha ka xawilaya, si ay lacagaha ugu gudbiyaan meeshii looga baahnaa. Illaa hadda, waa habka keliya ee ay adeegsadaan Shirkadaha Xawaaladuhu si ay ugu adeegaan macaamiishooda. Waana qaab adeeg oo guud ahaanba dhammaan Shirkadaha lacagaha xawilaa ay ka siman yihiin, marka laga reebo Shirkadda Casriga ah WorldRemit (

Warkii oo Dhan

Nasiib News

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

IN DEFENSE OF SOMALILAND: Against Concerted Efforts To Discredit Its Achievements

I have made a personal pledge sometime ago not to respond to any of those pernicious articles prevailing in the ever expanding list of Somali blogs, which have become as parochial as in the topics they publish about the Somali politics. However, having read blatant distortions about the history of Somaliland and debauched misrepresentations written about its many achievements, including; peace, reconciliation, stability, democracy and good governance, I found a very strong reason for temporarily suspending my pledge in refuting those articles, notably, Mr. Osman Hassan’s open letter to Assistant Secretary for Africa Mr. Johnnie Carson: Stirring Hornet’s Nest, where rather unconvincingly, he attempted to paint Somaliland as “a one clan which, through its hegemony, occupation and use of force, is imposing its unilateral declaration of secession on all the other peace-loving unionist clans in the region”.
It seems that this has been part of concerted efforts, from Somaliland’s enemies, to discredit its commendable progress and create doubts in the minds of some Western countries who have recently shown an increased interest in Somaliland’s successes and began to look closely, for the first time, at the issue of recognition. In order to rebut this kind of unsubstantiated and pejorative statement it is extremely important to enunciate, in this article, the correct version of events, surrounding the antecedents including the iniquitous union and causations that resulted in Somaliland renouncing such a union with Somalia after 31 years.
1. The Undeniable Entity of Somaliland
The entity of Somaliland did not came about as an accident nor was it contrived after the collapse of the Somali state in 1991, as its detractors would like the world to believe. It was Europe’s scramble for Africa in 1884 which resulted in Britain, France and Italy competing for the control of the Somali populated regions in the Horn of Africa. By 1886 all these three colonial powers had claimed their share of the regions, respectively. Britain acquired northern Somalia and made it a British Somaliland Protectorate. It also took the control of Jubbaland region (the area between Somalia and Kenya), which was later dubbed as North Fontier District – NFD and ceded to Kenya). France claimed the north-west coast of Somalia and called it French Somaliland territory (Djibouti).While Italy took over the control of southern region (Italian Somalia). The role played by Abyssinia in the curve up of the Somali populated regions must not be forgotten, as it gained over the control of Ogaden region and later added Hawd and Reserve Area.
In his rather in vain “open letter” Mr. Hassan described Somaliland as “a fallacy concocted up as a ploy to solicit sympathy from Britain”. Nothing is further from the truth than such a presumptuous premise, because Somaliland is a distinct entity by virtue of its colonial legacy and demarcated borders with the other Somali populated regions. A self defeating hypocrisy from those who are objecting to accept the colonial borders of Somaliland, is that they readily recognize the borders of Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti which are also inherited from the colonial powers. The suggestion that Somaliland is free for all Somalis is just like saying that “Arabian Gulf is free for all Arabs”. Such argument runs counter to existing AU charters and resolutions as affirmed in the Cairo Resolution (July 1964) which notes that “Solemnly all member states pledge themselves to respect the borders existing on their national independence”. The issue here is not to denying any one from their rights per se; it is rather accepting and respecting the undeniable territorial integrity of Somaliland, which makes it a separate entity from the rest of the other Somali regions. Somaliland is a reality and it is here to stay and anyone who believes otherwise must have a perverse sense of history and reality.
2. Repression and Alienation
On October 21st 1969, General Siyad Barre assumed power in a coup d’étatwithout resistance. The new military government, which was also dominated by army officers from the South, soon disappointed the country by suspending the constitution and introduced a radical agenda, which significantly changed the political structure of the country. Under the banner of “equality and justice” they created a system of state control by terror and oppression (Africa Watch, 1990). In addition, the regime used a social experiment based on what it called “Scientific Socialism” and in the process abolished all democratic institutions and brought the entire economy into the public sector. The judicial system of the country was undermined by the annulment of the Habeas Corpus, soon after the revolution, in one of the first decrees they promulgated – Law Number 64. In the mean time Siyad Barres’s political and socio-economic strategy was not only repressive but was imbued with a personality cult that never hesitated to annihilate any dissenting voice.
In the north (Somaliland) the regime not only enacted numerous discriminatory policies, which resulted in considerable economic, social and political disadvantages, against the people there but also became more despotic and repressive, and in the process alienated most of the people in the region. Consequently, this had set off a great deal of negative feelings towards the regime, which gave rise to the formation of an armed resistance against the government in the form of the Somali National Movement (SNM) in London on 6th April 1981.In reaction to the formation of the SNM the regime increased its reign of terror, tyranny and oppression committing rape and pillaging against the whole nation engendering an enormous suffering and destruction based on scorched earth policy in which the world had witnessed during the late 1980s, as they devised a genocidal strategy against the SNM supporters as attested by General Morgan’s “letter of death”, which detailed a deliberate plan to exterminate the majority of the people in the region.
3. SNM and its Armed Struggle
The founding of the SNM soon gained popular support among the majority of the people in the north. Barely a year later (1982) SNM established its first military base, at Gaashamo, inside the Ethiopian border and started a serious of guerrilla campaigns and through heroic operations challenged the army’s reign of terror in the region. In response the regime unleashed considerable repression via its various security apparatus or counter-insurgency forces including: Military Intelligence (Hangash), Military Counter-Intelligence (Dabar-jebinta) and other Para-military forces, many of whom were recruited from non-Isaaq clans in the region. Unfortunately, the more heinous crimes its forces have committed against the SNM and its supporters the more it increased support for the armed struggle and created tens of thousands of guerrilla fighters, to volunteer for such a noble cause to liberate the people of the region from the nefarious helm of the southern dominated government.
In May 1988 SNM forces attacked army military bases and garrisons including those in the two largest towns of the region Burao and Hargeisa. The regime responded by indiscriminate shelling and aerial bombardment of those two towns and its civilians. Those who were unable to flee were slaughtered as evidenced by mass graves discovered in many parts of the capital (Hargeisa). This had caused more than 80,000 dead and an estimated 240,000 injuries, as well as huge damages of buildings in both towns, specially, in Hargeisa alone, where an estimated 60,000 buildings were either damaged or destroyed (Drysdale, 1991). In addition nearly 1 million people were displaced and forced to flee into refugee camps in Ethiopia and Djibouti. During the followed two years the armed struggle had continued and finally the SNM forces succeeded in evicting the regime’s army in all parts of the region.
4. Reconciliation between Clans and Declaration of Independence
Soon after the whole of the region was liberated the SNM leadership invited all clans in Somaliland, including non-Isaaq clans, to attend a meeting in Berbera (15-27 February, 1991). All three main non-Isaaq clans in the region were represented in the meeting by their traditional leaders from the three regions of Awdal (Esse and Gudabursi); Sanaag (Warsengeli); and Sool (Dhulbahante). This was followed by another two rounds of meetings held in Hargeisa and Burao, respectively. The main aim of these meetings was to bring those non-Isaaq clans, in the region, who supported the ousted regime and perhaps directly/indirectly profited from its repressive institutions, into harmony with the victorious SNM supporters. In fact no less than the movement’s Chairman (who also became the first President of Somaliland, the late Abdirahman Ahmed Ali – Tuur) stressed this point. Indeed the SNM constitution clearly recognized this as stated in Article 1/7: “Criminal responsibility is personal and there shall be no persecution directed against any section of the Somali people. Punishment shall be meted out only on the basis of a crime committed and proven in a legally constituted court of law”. In addition, SNM had given assurances to everyone that they would not be subjected to economic, social and political domination by the SNM and its supporters (Isaaqs).
The initial “peace and reconciliation” meeting in Berbera referred all those outstanding issues to be discussed in a “future-determining” Grand Community Conference, to be held in Burao. Delegates from all clans assembled in Burao, where under the auspices of the SNM and Council of Elders (Guurti) the first Grand Community Conference “Shir Beeleed” was held between March 25 and May 26, 1991. There was a wide agreement to strengthen peace and reconciliation and revisit the act of union, that never was. The final joint communiqué was signed by, apart from the chairman of the SNM, Abdirahman-Tuur, Garaad Abdulqani Garaad Jama (head of Sool delegation), Jama Rabile Ghood (head of Awdal delegation) and Ismail Sultan Mohamed Ali (head of Sanaag Delegation). In the communiqué, it was noted in the “revision of the act of union of the 27th April, 1960, in order to realize the establishment of a society based on equitable political and socio-economic rights”. This reference to a revision of Somaliland’s union clearly implied a possible renunciation of the “act of union”, and so all clans jointly decided to determine their future and declared a unilateral decision to reclaim their independence on 18th May 1991. In Burao all delegates, from different clans, signed and subscribed to the historical decision; in their own accord, and to suggest that they were foisted into such a momentous decision is simply whistling in the dark.
5. Anarchy, Turmoil and Unending Cycle of Violence in Somalia
The world had witnessed how the collapse of the Somali state, in a contrast to the situation in Somaliland, after January 1991, was ensued by upheavals and civil conflict, and how lack of central authority had compounded the situation causing more blood-letting and internecine. It is estimated that more than 350,000 people have lost their lives either directly/indirectly in the conflict, with more than 550,000 wounded and almost 1.5 million displaced internally or living as refugees in different parts of the world. It was this anarchic state of affairs, which prompted the international community to intervene. The first intervention was decided on 24th April 1992 by the Security Council, which adopted resolution 751 (1992) in order to establish UNOSOM (United Nations Operation in Somalia). On 26 March 1993 another UN Security Council Resolution (No. 814) was passed authorizing the establishment of UNISOM II and mandated to continue providing relief and rehabilitation until 1995. After twelve years the need for another intervention came to the fore and the new Peace-keeping force in Somalia has now been taken over by the AU through AMISOM, which had been mandated to shore up the weak Sheikh Sharif government in Mogadishu, with no end in sight.
For the past 19 years the international community had spent Billions of Dollars in Somalia for emergency aid and relief, and organized more than dozen peace conferences with a view to establish central authority. Unfortunately, all those efforts and huge resources poured into Somalia have not only failed to establish the desired central authority but also engendered further destabilization and turmoil. While Somaliland has been in peace and stable, successfully establishing all necessary building blocks for democratic institutions, law and order and good governance. The main dichotomy between the two regions – Somalia hold sway by anarchy and lawlessness, and Somaliland reigned by peace and stability – is largely due to the fact that unlike Somaliland the political and traditional leaders in Somalia were unable to insert their influences in the armed militias in their local areas to curtail the parochial advantage seeking temptations and excesses which exacerbated the tribal rivalry, feud and mistrust between clans. Sadly we all know now the byproduct of such a perpetual state of anarchy and lack of peace and central authority in Somalia, and that has been the emergence and spread of extremist groups, like Al-Shabaab and Hisbul-Islam, who pose the biggest threat to all freedom loving Somalis in the region, as they are bereft of any rational plan and program to mitigate the multifaceted predicaments faced by the people of Somalia except to bring in more death and destruction.
6. Peace and Stability in Somaliland
As elucidated above Somaliland has escaped from Somalia’s fate and enjoyed peace and stability in all its regions and therefore never warranted any intervention from the international community. Generally, there are five main factors that played their parts in sparing Somaliland from going down the same road that Somalia took into self-destruction and chaos, after the demise of the Somalia state in 1991. Firstly, under the auspices of the SNM all clans in the region were invited into peace and reconciliation conferences, immediately after the fall of the regime, and enlisted their full commitment for peace and reconciliation. Secondly, the declaration of independence and the establishment of central authority made it possible to establish and institute security and law and order, which consolidated peace and stability further. Thirdly, traditional clan leaders in Somaliland have retained strong leverage and influence over their communities as well as politicians and thus played a leading role in resolving all sorts of disputes and squabbling including political strives. Fourthly, there is a thriving and functioning democracy in Somaliland where political parties and protagonists tend to settle their differences in the ballot box rather than the barrel of the gun and personal ambitions are seen as secondary to the preservation of peace and stability. Fifthly, all the people in Somaliland have worked hard to maintain peace and security and strived towards containing and settling inter-clan conflict. A case in point is the recent incident in the Buhoodle area when two clans clashed over a new settlement. This had prompted the Somaliland army to intervene and create a buffer zone between the two clans, while at the same time traditional leaders have done their mediation successfully and contained the feud. The combination of these factors has resulted in making Somaliland an oasis of peace and stability in the region.
The international community has got their eyes and ears in Somaliland and is fully aware of what has been happening in the region for the past two decades, specially, the progress and development that Somaliland has made in various aspects including: the establishment of most state institutions, practicing democracy through free parliamentary and presidential elections and good governance etc. In addition it is no secret that the people of Somaliland have used their peace and stability to improve their livelihoods through private sector-led growth and economic development; expanding its micro-economic level and financial sector through trade and investment. Somaliland arrived has where it is now, not by chance nor was it given to it as a present by the international community. She earned it with great sacrifices, perseverance and hard work; the road wasn’t easy, it was long and difficult but it succeeded against all odds. Somaliland’s existence is not, and has never been a threat to the TFG and should be seen as such. In fact the success of Somaliland should be a cause for emulation for Somalia in terms of reconciliation, power sharing, consensual politics, democracy and good governance etc. There are now more than 55,000 refugees from Somalia living peacefully in Somaliland and thousands of others have established businesses and the reason they are here is because of the peace and stability the people Somaliland have achieved, since they have extricated themselves from the shackles of so called union with Somalia.
7. Desperate Attempts to Undermine Somaliland
It appears there have been growing and desperate efforts, in recent weeks, from some Somali circles using various blogs or websites, to spread misinformation and cheap propaganda to undermine the achievements of Somaliland. The question that we all have to ask ourselves is why this time? And what is the motive behind it? In relation to the first question the timing is very important in the sense that antagonists against Somaliland have enviously witnessed the successful presidential election and the peaceful handover which enhanced Somaliland’s prestige and reputation, in the eyes of the world, as a stable and peaceful country whose people have persevered against a grinding poverty, lack of recognition and terror attacks. In terms of the motives of this misinformation the enemies of Somaliland are desperately seeking to create doubts in the minds of Western countries, which have recently announced that they would deal Somaliland directly and changed their assistance level from emergency to development aid, and perhaps more critically showed an increased interest in the achievements of Somaliland and began to look closer, for the first time, at the issue of recognition.
What is strange about these antagonists is that they are being blinded by their parochial clannish interests so much so that their prescription for the people of the region is merely to balkanize them more and create new “fiefdoms” based on clan territories. In deed those who are calling themselves SSC are in cahoots with Puntland (regional administration) and the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) to undermine and delay Somaliland’s match towards recognition. These two administrations are enticing disingenuous groups from certain regions in Somaliland to assert their “regional autonomies”. Such a notion is absolutely irresponsible, and plays to parochialism for that will simply tend to increase fragmentation and set one clan against the other. They will also invite clan squabbles and disputes over territories and resources and become a recipe for further conflict and bloodshed. There are reliable sources saying that the proponents of such factionalism are being motivated by personal interests as they seek to rehabilitate or revive their “political careers” by becoming more vociferous against Somaliland. It is about time that these opportunists are made aware of, in no uncertain terms, that the people of Somaliland and their new government will not allow anyone to destabilize parts of its regions and infringe its territorial integrity.
8. The Way Forward
In the beginning of the twenty first century as more nations are striving towards peace and development Somalia is facing a whole host of problems including; lack of peace, stability and development, all of which tend to aggravate deprivation and abject poverty. Such a predicament should disturb the conscience of those who are doing the fighting in Somalia, regardless of their political inclinations, and motivate their political leaders to compromise and reach consensus, so that their children and those of their children would look forward to have a better future. In a stark contrast Somaliland has shown its democratic credentials to the wider world by successfully organizing a presidential election followed by flawless transfer of power. Its new government is embarking upon ambitious program to transform the country socially, economically and politically in order to attain reconstruction and equitable development to improve the lives of all its citizens. The anchoring principle of Somaliland and its stability is hinged on the dual vision of traditional consensual approach underpinned by democratic multiparty system of government based on equity and fairness.
The TFG government should stop blaming the declaration of independence by Somaliland and put its house in order. It is no good seeking Somaliland as a scapegoat when they have abysmally failed to bring about any meaningful cease fire or cessation of hostilities in their own country. It should stop using proxies such as the so called SSC and mind its own business. In addition, it must take a leaf from Somaliland’s experience in achieving security, reconciliation and stability, and should value peace and co-existence between clans and communities and regard it as paramount to the security interests and livelihoods of everyone in their region. In the meantime it should tackle the quandary and divisive ethnicity and religious-sect factors which are rampant in their midst today and are responsible for engendering polarization and ripping communities apart; with all the consequences of death and destruction that we came to attest in Somalia for the past twenty years. Finally, the responsibility for political compromise and national reconciliation lies first with the Somalia’s political and traditional leaders and the people themselves and only they can bring peace and reconciliation in their own country. As for Somaliland, let us say it loud and clear that its people, along its politicians, traditional and religious leaders have all spoken, and spoken to keep their country separate and independent from Somalia, this is the ultimate will of the people in Somaliland and nothing could change that and has to be accepted and respected – this should be the way forward for Somalia.

Adam Ismail (Liban)

Warkii oo Dhan

Nasiib News

Africa: Will Sudan lead the way to the next big carve-up?

By Charles Onyango-Obbo
Nairobi (Kenya) - Finally, the January referendum wheels seem to be turning irreversibly in Southern Sudan.
There was a lot of excitement even with the registration that ended last Tuesday, by which time three million had registered.
Now it looks like the January 9, 2011, when the region is highly likely to vote to secede, will be on schedule. If not, the delay will only be by a few weeks.
So far a lot of attention has been focused on whether Khartoum will sabotage the referendum, and plunge the country back into war.
However, there is another organisation that is quite uneasy with the prospect of South Sudan independence — the African Union.
At one point the AU was categorical that it did not think secession was the best option for South Sudan. Lately, as the inevitable draws close, it has softened its position.
However, it remains mealy-mouthed.
The AU is concerned about South Sudan, because African leaders fear what effect secession will have on their own mostly poorly managed and poor nations.
Some African countries are too big for their leaders to run effectively.
For that reason, one can argue that it makes sense for Sudan, Africa’s largest country, to be split in two, even if it hadn’t endured decades of a bitter civil war.
If South Sudan’s secession creates a domino effect, it is not difficult to see which ones will fall first.
Most immediately, next door, it will help complete Somaliland’s consolidation into an independent or, at least, autonomous state.
There are, indeed, Somali academics who claim that the UK, for one, wants Somaliland, which was once a British protectorate, to break away.
In the long run, depending on how the February 2011 elections and next five years turn out, northern Uganda — where there have already been secessionist rumblings — could look to form a loose federation with Southern Sudan and the Lendu of the DR Congo in a bigger “Lendu Republic” as hardline Sudanic/Luo chauvinists in East Africa sometimes refer to that political project.
Sooner than that, DR Congo could follow Somaliland.
The DRC is likely to split into four; the western part will be one block, then the eastern “Kiswahili region” will break up into three.
One, further south, will be a Rwanda sphere of influence. The middle portion could be a Uganda-allied state. And the northern bit would walk off to be part of the Lendu Republic.
The one that would really shake Africa would be Nigeria. Indeed, the eccentric Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi (the man with the “voluptuous blonde” Ukrainian nurse), has suggested that Nigeria be split into north and south, as one way of stopping the periodical orgies of Christian-Muslim slaughter.
The Nigerian government was outraged, but that is a popular view in the oil-rich south, which thinks the north are a bunch of freeloading gun-toting Muslim extremists.
Back in the East African Community, the Zanzibar Isles, which have never been quite happy in their marriage to mainland Tanzania, could swim off to relish the pleasures of their spices without the overlordship of condescending Dar es Salaam.

*Charles Onyango-Obbo is Nation Media Group’s executive editor for Africa & Digital Media. E-mail:

Warkii oo Dhan

Nasiib News

Somaliland: President to visit China with largest government delegation

Hargeysa, 14 Dec, 2010 (Nnn)- Somaliland president Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo is expected to pay an official visit to China early next year, at the invitation of Chinese Government. It was earlier in the year when a 14-member delegation from the People’s Republic of China made on official visit to the Republic of Somaliland to study the economic and investment climate earlier in the year. The delegation which consists of some of China’s leading investors, government officials and members of China’s leading media-houses arrived in the capital Hargeisa.
Mr. Qi told local press at the time that they were delighted with their trip to Somaliland and expressed their desire to invest in number of places in the country. They praised the people of Somaliland for their warm hospitality and for their achievements without international help.
The state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) attempted to acquire an interest in Somaliland potential oil reserves. The Chinese state oil giant, CNOOC, has already won permission to search for oil in part of Somalia, – coming to an agreement in 2007 with Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, the then head of the “Transitional Federal Government”, which demonstrates China’s willingness to brave Africa’s most volatile regions in its hunt for natural resources.” CNOOC’s deal with Somalia’s transitional federal government gave it exploration rights in the north Mudug region, some 500km north-east of Mogadishu.
China has now approached the government of Somaliland, where earlier surveys also show the possibility of significant oil reserves. It is a truth, overlooked at your peril, that China is steadily building its influence in Africa and the Indian Ocean.

Warkii oo Dhan

Nasiib News

Xubnaha Mooshinka watay maxay ka yidhaahdeen go’aanka golaha?

Hargeysa 14, December 2010 (Nnn)- Mudaneyaasha watay mooshinka wax-ka-bedelka xeer-hoosaadka golaha Wakiilada, ayaa ka hadlay go’aan shalay lagu soo gebogabeeyay fadhigii golahaas, isla markaana lagu laalay mooshinkooda.
Xildhibaan Siciid Cilmi Rooble oo u hadlay mudaneyaashaas, waxa uu naqdiyay go’aa Madaxweynaha oo ay hore u sugayeen ka qaatay mooshinkooda, wuxuuna ka hadlay siday u arkaan go’aanka golaha iyo waxa hadda u qorshaysan, wuxuuna waraysigaas u dhacay sidan;
S: Xildhibaan sided u aragtaan arrinta maanta (shalay) dhacday?
J: Go’aankii maantu (shalay) runtii wuxuu ahaa go’aan naga nixiyay, ummadana ka nixiyay, go’aan Kali-talisnimo iyo awood-sheegasho xambaarsan ayuu ahaa, go’aan sharcigii lagu jabiyay, go’aan muujinaya in la qaaday wadadii qaloocnayd ee ay madaxdii Afrikaanku qaadi jirtay.
S: Maxaad ugala jeedaa go’aan khaldan oo ah wadadii ay madaxda Afrikaanku ay qaadi jireen?
J: Waxaan ugala jeedaa, anigu horta golaha muddo 15 sano ah ayaan ku jiray, walaalkay Samaale ee hadlay maantana 5 sano ayuu ku jiray, Distioorka iyo xeer-hoosaadka ayaanu ku dhaqanaa oo golaha lagu hagaa. Waxaan kuu sheegayaa fadhina ma furmi karo, go’aana lagama gaadhi karo golaha. Haddaan kooramku buuxsamin, taasoo micnaheedu yahay kala-badh iyo inka badan, kaasoo ay caddaynayso qodobka 38aad faqradiisa 3aad ee Distoorka qaranka Somaliland, wuxuu baarlamaanka xil-gudashadiisa ku salaynayaa Distoorka iyo xeer-hoosaadkiisa, qodobka 45aad ee Distoorka faqradiisa 2aad iyana waxay leedahay fadhiga golaha Wakiiladu wuxuu ku furmi karaa marka ay joogaan kala-badh iyo inka badani, isla qodobkaa faqradiisa 3aad waxay sheegaysaa go’aamada goluhu waxay ku ansaxayaan hal-dheeri, marka laga reebo xaaladaha uu Distoorku ama xeer-hoosaadku golaha u jideeyey aqlabiyad kale. Markaa waxay iskaga soo horjeedeen maanta (shalay) Samaale (guddoomiye kuxigeenku) wuxuu yidhi kooram looma baahnayn, halkana Distoorku wuxuu sheegayaa fadhiga golaha Wakiiladu wuxuu ku furmi karaa markay joogaan kala-badh iyo inka badan.
S: Laakiin, guddoomiye ku-xigeenku wuxuu ku sheegay in kalfadhigu uu awalba ahaa mid aan caadi ahayn?
J: Fadhi micnaheedu waxa weeye, waxa loola jeeda shir ama kulan kasta oo golaha Wakiiladu fadhiistaan oo kooram ku furmay.
S: Haddii idinku aad qabtaan sida aad sheegayso oo aad sharcigaa ku dhaqmaysaan maxaad u iman waydeen haddii aad idinku aqlabiyadii tihiin?
J: Horta, anagu aqlabiyadii ayaanu ahayn, xeer-hoosaad baanu is-nidhi fura, markii ay xukuumadda cusubi timi, waanu is qiimaynay, iyadoo ummada lafteedu iyo saddexdii gudoomiye xisbi oo ku jiro Siilaanyo, hore loo waydiiyay bishii May oo la yidhi ka waran xil-gudashada xildhibaanada oo ay yidhaahdeen waxba nimankaasi may qaban, ka dibna maalin dhawayd uu Samaale hadlay oo yidhi golahayagii waxba muu qabane ummadu hana saamaxdo iyo ummada oo na canaananaysa. Markaanu waxaasoo dhan aragnay, waxaanu go’aan ku gaadhnay inaanu golahayagii boodhka ka tuno oo aanu xukuumadda la jaanqaadno labadaa sanadood muddo kordhinta ah ee la sameeyay in wax alla wixii naga baaqday dhamaystirno, ka dib waxaanu nidhi xagaynu ka bilawnaa? xeer-hoosaadka aynu ka bilawno, xeer-hoosaadkii wuxuu tilmaamayaa waxa soo-jeedin kara 11 mudane, marka xeer-hoosaadka wax laga bedelayo in ka badan ayaanu ku soo jeedinay.
S: Waxa jirtay inuu Madaxweynuhu idin soo dhexgalay oo uu doonayay inuu dhexdhexaadiyo labadiina dhinac, taasi halkay ku dambaysay?
J: Waxa wallaahi naga fajicisay oo aanu imika la yaaban nahay horta Madaxweynuhu laba codsi ayuu noo sameeyey, midi wuxuu ahaa isaga oo maqan, xildhibaan Aadan Tarabi Oogle ayuu la soo hadlay oo wuxuu yidhi igu sima waanu aqbalnay, Madaxweyne ku-xigeenku wuu noo yeedhay waanu aqbalnay, guddoomiyaha Guurtidu wuu naga codsaday oo waanu aqbalnay. Markii uu yimi, ka dib rag baanu u dirnay, waa la soo bariidiyey, ballan ayuu soo qabtay, 13 xildhibaan oo saddexda xisbiba ka kooban ayaanu u dirmay habeen dhaweyd, way is arkeen, nasiib-darro Madaxweynuhu isaga oo aan wareysan xildhibaanadii wuxuu sitay markaa oo uu jeebka ku sitay talo xaga kale laga siiyay, codsigiisii halkii uu ku furi lahaa oo uu wareysan lahaa ilayn isaga ayaa la sugayee may dhicin taasi. Laakiin, wuxuu yidhi ‘nimanyahaw xeer-hoosaadka waan maqlay, shaqadaasi waa shaqadiinii, laakiin tiradaa 55-ka ah ee lagu ridayo Shirgudoonka ee aydun 42 ka dhigaysaan, nimanyahaw arrintaa waan idinka codsanayaaye hakiya, ka dib waa lala hadlay, markii hadalkii la dhameeyay, haddana ee uu arkay wixii lagu shubay iyo wixii raga ka soo baxay ay kala duwan yihiin, Madaxweynuhu haddana wuxuu yidhi ‘anigu ambiilka wuu idiin taagan yahay, waxaad ku hadasheena waa gar,’. Ka dib kaasaanu shalay (doraad) u fadhinay, anagoo u fadhina ayaa Idaacada laga sii daayay bari goluhu wuu furmayaa, waanu xidhmayaa oo kalfadhigii ayaa xidhmaya. Xildhibaano ayaan u soo diray Madaxweynaha, waxaan idhi ‘Madaxweyne codsigaagii dambe anagoo ka hadlayna ayaanu arrintaa idaacadda ka maqalnay, Madaxweyne is cadee oo waxan miyaad la ogtahay?….ileen adiga ayuu golahani kuu xidhnaaye, adigiina maad odhan golihii waan furaye Madaxweyne maxaa arrintaa ka jira?, dhaarbuu ka maray, wuxuu yidhi wax aan ka ogahay ma jiro, imikana anigaa nimankii u yeedhaya oo war dambe ayaan idinku soo celinayaa. Ka dib xalay (habeen hore) abaaro 10-kii ayuu nala soo hadlay wuxuu yidhi nimankii waxay leeyihiin muddadii kalfadhiga ayaa dhamaynaysee ha yimaadeen, way diideen oo waxa ka muuqata nimankii diidmo, ka dib waxaanu nidhi Madaxweyne goluhu adiga ayuu kuu xidhnaa, golahani wuxuu ku furmi karaa iyada oo heshiis lagu wada yahay, Madaxweyne haddaan halkaa isugu tagno imika oo ay yidhaahdaan wixii waanu burinaynaa, anaguna aanu nidhaahno waxayagii waa sharci buuq baa ka dhalanaya, markaa maxaanu yeelnaa? Ka dib, waxa uu yidhi idinku maxaad jeceshihiin? Waxaanu ku nidhi, waxaanu jecelnahay inaanu ka maqnaano, si loo kala badbaado, waa hagaag ayuu yidhi Madaxweynuhu.
S: Markaa maxaad yeelaysaan imika oo idin horyaala?
J: Horta, imika waanu tashanaynaa oo waanu wada fadhinaa, wadanka dooni mayno inaanu dab galino, Madaxweynihii uu u xidhnaa goluhuna dib baanu ugu noqonaynaa, Illaahayna waxaan ka baryayaa wixii khayr leh. Laakiin, waxaan ummada u sheegaya wadada la qaaday maanta waa wadadii madaxda Afrikaanku markay kursiga jeclaato ay sharciga ku jabin jirtay, markaa wadadu way inaga qaloocatay, aniga baqdin ayay I galisay waxaa maanta (shalay) dalka ka dhacay.

Warkii oo Dhan

Nasiib News

Taliyaha Booliska oo ka hadlay dil ka dhacay degaanka Ceel-berdaale

Hargeysa 14, December 2010 (Nnn)- Taliyaha ciidanka Booliska Somaliland Col. Cilmi Rooble Furreh (Kabaal), ayaa ka hadlay dil habeen saddexaad ka dhacay degaanka Ceel-berdaale.
Taliyaha oo shalay u waramay laanta afka Soomaaliga ee BBC-da, waxa uu sheegay in dilkaas ay fuliyeen 15 nin oo weerar gaadmo ah ku qaaday qoys meel degenaa, kuwaasoo hal qof dilay, mid kalane dhaawacay. Waraysigaas oo uu Taliyuhu arrimo dhawr ah kaga jawaabay, waxa uu u dhacay sidan;
S: Taliye maxaa ka jira in dil ka dhacay degaanka Ceel-berdaale?
J: Aag Ceel-bardaale beel ka mid ah oo qoys ah oo degan ayaa habeen hore saacadu markii ay ahayd 2:00 ayay rag 15 ahi ay mireen baa la yidhi, wiil laygu sheegay 25 jir baa ku dhintay, aabihiina way ku dhaawaceen. Xaalada waxaan shalay u diray saraakiil fara badan ciidanka, qarankuna meel ku dhaw buu deganyahay. Wiilkii waa la aasay, odayaal badanina way tageen, xaaladuna way iska degentahay, inkastoo halka shishe laygu soo sheegayo in dhaqdhaqaaq ka jiro.
S: Xaga shishe ma waxaad ula jeedaa xaga Boorame?
J: Dadkani waa dad isku dhex jira, waa reerihii soke ee aaga ka sokeeyay ee isla dhinaca bariga iyo galbeedka. Saraakiishu shalay way soo dhexmartay tuulooyin badan ayay soo martay, reero badan ayay soo martay, way wada degan yihiin, way wada fadhiyaan sida xalay (habeen hore) riboodhku igu soo gaadhay.
S: Taliye, sidaad ogtahay meeshu waa aagga Ceel-berdaale oo shaqaaqadeedu muddo soo noqnoqotay, iyadoo beelaha degaanku ku muransan yihiin, markaa ma arrintii ay la xidhiidhaa dhacdadani?
J: Arrintaas ayay la xidhiidhaa aano ugu dambaysay oo qolada bariga sida lay sheegay laga dilay ayay la xidhiidha. Hase yeeshee, inteeda badan anigoon doonan inaan ka hordhaco wararka ugu dambeeyay waxay sheegayaan xaga bariga nin laga dilay ayay aanadu la xidhiidha ayaaba la leeyahay.
S: Markaa arrintani muddo ayay soo socotay, miyaanu ciidan ku kala dhex jirin, miyuu ciidankaasi gaabiyay?
J: Ciidanku waa ciidankii qaranka oo ugu shisheeya oo aaga u dhaw, hasa yeeshee ciidanku beel walba lama degana, aagguna waa aag aad u balaadhan, waa aag buuralay ah, waa aag inta kale banaan tahay, reer walba aad ayay u degan yihiin, markaa ciidanku wuu wada dhexjooga, markaa qoys walba lama degana.
S: Inkastoo aad adigu tahay Boolis, laakiin ay xukuumadda iyo siyaasinta u taalo arrintani, in badan ayay soo noqnoqtaye, maxay dawladdu talaabo uga qaadi wayday oo ay u xalin wayday?
J: Taasi qaranka ayay khusaysaa, horena arrinta waa lagu jiray, imika laftigeedana qaranku faraha kamuu qaadani, marka xukuumada ayaa faraha ku haysa.

Warkii oo Dhan

Nasiib News

Shalay: Xukunkii Afartanka Karbaash ee Maxkamadda

Maxamuud Cali Maxamed…….Warbixin
Goobtu waa sabada ay ku yaaliin maxkamadaha Somaliland, gaar ahaan maxkamada gobolka iyo ta degmada Hargyesa. Sida caadadu tahay goobtani waxay ka mid tahay meelaha sida joogtada ah loogu soo jarmaado helitaanka adeegyo kala duwan, haba ugu weynaato cadaaladu, sida loogu yimaado suuqyada adeegyada kala duwan, laakin waxaan ka maqnayn dar kale oo ugu soo jarmaada soo dhicitaanka xuquuqda dadka kale, sifahay doonaan ha u mareene , sida dhaar beenaadka. Dadka ugu badan ee goobtan adeega u soo doonta ama macmiisheeda ugu badani waa danyarta, dumarku hawgu sii bataane, waxaan iyaguna ka madhnayn inta lagu tuhmo dufanka adduunyada.
Arooryadii hore markaan gaadhay goobtaa sare ku xusan , iyadoo hadafkayga koowaad ahaa bal inaan xog ka soo helo sida maxkamadaha dalkeenu u shaqeeyaan, marka laga yimaado dhaliilo iyo dhaleecayn badan oo badiyaa laga sheego. Waxay indhahaygu qabteen qeybaha kala duwan ee aan soo sheegnay , iyagoo dhinaca kale aanay ka maqnayd dadka adeegyada lama huraanka ah ka qabta goobtaa sida meheradaha shaaha, dadka ku shaqeysta qorida codsiyada oo ah meelaha ugu dalabka weyn. Waxay qoor-sheegtu ahayd todobadii iyo badhkii, xilligii xukuumada cusubi sheegtay in laga dhigay wakhtiga xafiisyada dawladu bilaabayaan adeegyada dadweynaha, balse halkan aan joogay waxaad moodaysay meel aan lagu dhaqmin sharcigaa, marka laga reebo xafiiska Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada Degmada, oo ahaa masuuka keliya ee wakhtigaa ku sugna xafiiskiisa. Waxaan is weydiinayey maadaama macmiishii goobtani diyaar yihiin waxa loo waayey masuuliyiintii xil ka saarnaa u adeegida dadka. Intaanan hawshii aan u socday guda gelin ayaa ugu horeyn waxay indhahaygu qabteen xafiis uu wajahadiisa ku qornaa ‘Haweenka Qareenada…..’, waxaanan ku tallamay in booqashada xafiiskaasi, waxuu ku kordhiyo hawshaydii mooyee waxba u dhimayn, ka dibna waxaan ugu soo galay xafiskii afar hablood oo da’ ahaan isku dhowaa, siday ii sheegeen ka tirsan ururka haweenka qareenada, isla markaana ay adeegyo kala duwan ugu qabtaan halkan dadka danyarta ah ee aan awoodin qabsashada qareen uga dooda dacwadahooda, isla markaana aanay ku koobnayn u doodida dumarka keliya, oo aan anigu su’aal ku weydiiyey inay dumarka oo keliya u adeegaan, balse ii sheegeen inay rag iyo dumarba u adeegan. Is wareysi gaaban ka dibna waxaan u sii dhaqaaqay gaadhitanka hadafkii aan lahaa.
Waxaan ka dib ku hakaday bal inaan waxii macluumaad ee aan ka heli karo ka sii qaato qof ka mid ahaa dadka iyagu ku shaqeysta qorida arjiyada, oo aad odhan kartid hadii si weyn loo kaabo inay xog dhaqaale badan ku bixi lahaa, si fudud looga heli lahaa, maadama waxa kiisas maxkamadaheena soo gala ay yihiin dadka soo diyaariya dacwadahooda furitaanka iyo mar kastoo qoraalo dheeri ah looga baahdo qofkii dacwoonayey. Iswareysi gaaban ka dib waxyaabaha aan ka helay waxa ka mid ahaa in dacwadaha waxa muddadooda fogeeya ay yihiin dadweynaha, oo qof aan xaq lahayn intuu dhaqaale adeegsado marba meel kale ula sii gudbo. Kiisaska dacwadaha madaniga ah ee qoysaska oo isaga inta badan uu la kulmana cabashada haweenku u badan yihiin biil la’aan iyo ka warhayn la’aan ay kaga cawdaan ragooda. Inkastoo xogo ka sii faahfaahsan aan ka helay haddana waxaan u dhiganayaa kuwaa inaan kuwo kale ku sii helo anigoo wax ka weydiin doona masuuliyiinta ay khusayso, ka dib waxaan abaaray qolalka lagu qaado dacwdaha mid ka mid ah bal si aan indhahaga markhaati ilaa xad uga ahaado sida hawl maalmeedka dacwad qaadistu uga socoto.
Waxaanad filayn iyo……ayaa la yidhi, kiis go’aankisii lagu dhawaaqay ayaa waxa ku jiray xukunka in eedaysanahaa marka inta kale laga yimaado in lagu dhufto afartan karbaash. Waxaan hoosta iska weydiiyey, oo tolow karbaashka diinteena Islaamka keliya ayuu xukunkeeda ku jiraye, Diintii Islaamka iyo Penal Code miyaa laysu raaciyaa eedaysanaha, hadday sidaa tahayse goorma iyo halkee ayaa ciqaabta karbaashka lagu fuliyaa?! Waxaa muddo yar ka dib haddana lagu dhawaaqay go’aanka dacwad kale oo eedaysane aabahii hadalo laf-jab ah ku yidhi lagu xukumay xadhig gaadhaya saddex sannadood, laakiin sidaan filayo inay intii dhegeysanaysay ila wadaagto waxaan u arkayey mid lagu yareeyey ciqaabta, weliba uu ku wacnaa in loo raaciyo inan la iibsan karin xabsiga dacwadaha aflagaadada waalidka iyo wax u dhimista diinteena suuban ee islaamka sida caydeeda, si inta kale ugu tusaale ugu noqoto. Waxa iyana jiray kiisas lagu dhamaynayey is-afgarad ama loo mudaynayey in xal lagaga soo gaadho, laakiin waxii aan arkay iyo waxaan maqli wey kala fogayeen.
Muddo aan dibedda u soo baxay ayaan weydiiyey nin aanu saxiibo ahayn oo hawl ka soo gashay goobtii, isbedelkan laakiin waxuu ii raaciyey xog kalo sii shiilid u baahan, dibna aynu natiijadeeda hadii ilaah yidhaahdo ka heli doono, laakiin waxa xusuus lama ilaawaan ah igu reebtay aragtidii hooyo wadatay caruur gaadhaysa sideed, oo aan odhan karo ka u weyni waxuu ahaa ilaa sideed ama sagal jir, oo kaabad hoolalkii maxkamada horteeda ku murugeysan, waxaan isku deyey inaan bal la qeybsado dhibka heysata, waxii aan ku tari karana ka caawiyo, sidoo kalena dumar kale ayaa igu soo gaadhay anigoo jawaabo ka sugaya, laakiin iyadoo ilmadu soo dhaafayso ayey noo sheegtay inay ka dacwoonayso ninkeeda, balse aanay weli ka helin maxkamadaha garsoorkii xaq ah ee ay raadinaysay .
Nasiib wanaag waxaan dib u xusuustay hablahii aan kula soo kulmay xafiiska ururka qareenada haweenka, oo hore iigu sheegay inay ka caawiyaan dadka danyarta ah waxii ku saabsan dacwadaha maxkamadaha, waxaanan u soo hogaamiyey iyada iyo caruutii sideeda ahayd oo laba laba gacmaga isu haysta xafiiskaa, isbarid ka dibna waxaan ka codsaday inay waxii awoodooda ah la qabtaan hooyadaa duruufahu haystan ee u baahan inay xaqeeda hesho haduu ka maqan yahay.
Ugu danbayn, waxaan qormadan qoobjoogida dhacdooyinkaa kaga baxayaa gabay u hore abwaan u tiriyey oo ereyadiisa ay ka mid ahaayeen, “Nabiibiyahu warkuu sheegayuu nacas run moodaaye, Anna nadartu waxaan soo arkaan nacam idhaahdaa’.
Wixii tallo ahna waxaad noogu soo diri kartaan

Warkii oo Dhan

Nasiib News

Kooxda Al-shabaab Oo Amar Ku Bixiyey In Lagubo Cajladaha Quraan-ka Ah Ee Uu Duubay Imaamka Masjid-ka Kabcada Sheikh Abdirahman Al-Sudaysi

Baidoa, Somalia, 15 Dec 2010 (Nnn)- Waaxda Camalka iyo Faaf reebka ee Kooxda Shabab-ka ee magaalada Baydhabo ee Gobolka Bay ayaa soo saaray dhowaan awaamiir aad uga yaabiyey dadka degaan-ka ku nool Awaamiirtaas oo salka ku haya dhageysiga qiraa'aadka Quraanka kariim-ka ah ee uu duubay Imaamyada Masjidka Kacbada ee Maka Al-Mukarmah Sheikh Abdirahman Al-Sudaysi.
Warar hordhac ah ayaa sheegaya in Gaadhi lagu xidhay codbaahiyaal uu baahiyey in wixii ka danbeeya maanta aan la dhagaysan karin Qur'aanka iyo Wacdiyada uu akhriyo Sheikh Sudaysi. Sheikha oo ah Caalim ku cod macaan akhriska Quraan-ka uu Dunida Islaam-ka aad looga jecelyahay ayey Kooxda Argagixisada ah ee Al-shabaab (Alshabab, the terrorist group in Somalia) ku Eedeeyeen in uu ka mid yahay Culumada ay ku tilmaameen wax ay ugu yeedhaan Culumaa'u Suu .

Dhamaan dadka waxaa lagu amray in ay maalmo kooban ku soo uruuriyaan dhamaan wixii cajlada ah ee uu ku duubanyahay Cod-ka Sheikhu si loo Gubo. Arintan ayaa dad xogogaal ahi ay sheegeen in ay ka timi Xubnaha Kooxda Al-qaai'da ee Jasiirada Carabta gaar ahaan dalka Yemen, kuwaas oo dagaalo kula jira Xukuumada Boroqtooyada Sacuudiga iyo Culumaa'udiinka Dunida Muslim-ka.

Osman Abdillahi Sool....Freelance Journalist.

Warkii oo Dhan

Nasiib News

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Xogo muhiim ah oo ku saabsan ninka Jarmalka ah ee Ficillada Foosha xun loo haysto

Maalintii Maxkamada la hor keenay Ninkii Gabdhaha Reer Hargeysa Fara Xumeeyay maxa Dhacay? Waa maxayna Sababta Dhabta ah ee Xukuumadu uga War Wareegeyso Maxkamadeynta Ninkani?
Ninkan oo lagu Magacaabo Guntar Bischoss, Ayaa Falal fool xun isla markaana ka baxsan Diinta islaamka kula kacay Gabdho Reer Hargeysa ah, isaga oo Aflaam Faaxisho ah iyo sawiro qaaqaawan ka duubay hablahaasi iyo isaga oo ka Sineeysanaya. Wararku waxa ay intaasi ku darayaan in ninkani intii uu Hagreisa joogay arintani uu ku jiray isla markaana sawiro badan Computer-kiisa laga helay.
Arintan markii ugu horeeysay waxaa soo ogaaday Qaar ka mid ah Culima awdiinka magaalada Hargeysa, waxa ayna u gudbiyeen laanta Dambi baadhista Somaliland, sidaasi ayaanay ku soo shaac baxday.
Dadka ku dhaqan Hargeysa ayaa dareen kala duwan ka muujiyay arintani, marka aad dhex marto magaalada Hagreysa Gaar Ahaan goobaha dadku ay isugu yimaadaan ayaa qaar dadkaasi ka mid ah kuu sheegayaan in ninkani Gaalka ahi Falka uu ku kacay uu yahay mid ka baxsan shareecada islaamka isla markaana Xukuumadu talaabo shariciga waafaqsan ka qaado, qaar waxa ay ku odhanayaan waa in la dilo, halka qaar kalena ay soo jeedinayaan in xabsi daa'in lagu xukumo.
Hadaba Culimo Aw-diinka Magaalada Hagreysa ayaa dareen cadho leh ka muujiyay Arintani, Sheekha Caanka Ah ee lagu magacaabo Sh. Maxamed Heybe, ayaa Arintani walaac xoog leh ka muujiyay isla markaana Eedeyn kulul u soo jeediyay Xukuumada Madaxweyne Siilaanyo, isagoo Sheegay in wax laga xumaado ay tahay in ay xukuumadu ka war wareegeyso Maxkamadeynta Ninkani Sheekha oo hadalkiisa sii wato ayaa yidhi `Walalayaal ma aha wax la iiga waramay ee waxaan ka mid ahaa dadkii Maxkamada Joogay xiligii ay socotay Dhageysiga dacawadaasi isla markaana Daawaday Filim-ka maxkamada horteeda lagu soo bandhigay, iyo Mujrimkan waxa uu sameeyay, Runtii waad jiriricooneysaa indhahana ma siin kartid ninkaasi waxa uu ku sameeyay Gabdhaheenii, Meeday islaamnimadeena? meeday Qiiradii ilahey inagu abuuray? Xukuumadu dadkeeda iyadaa ka mas`uul ah waa in ay ka damqato falkani Ninkanna Sharciga mariso,
Sidoo kale dadka Ree Hargeysa Waxa ay Dareen Cadho leh ka muujiyeen Hadalkii ka soo yeedhay Dr.Maxamed Cabdi Gaboose, Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Soomaliland, Isagoo Sheegay ninkan in uu Xidid la yahay mid ka mid ah qabaail-ka degan Hargeysa isla markaana Dadku Is dejiyaan, Arintuna ay gacanta ku hayaan baadhitankeed.
Hadaba Ninkani Waa Nin Ceynkee Ah?
Ninkan waxaa lagu Magacaabaa Guntar Bischoss, Tan iyo Sagaashanaadkii Dhowr jeer Ayuu yimi Hargeysa 1999-kii waxa uu u Shaqeeynayay Hay`ad la Odhan jiray GTZ.
Sanadku markii uu Ahaa 2000 Ayaa Falal Noocan oo kale ah lagu Tuhmay, hasa yeeshee Madaxweynihii Hore Ee Somaliland Maxamed Ibrahim Cigaal ayaa ciidamada Amaanka amar ku siiyay in ninkan Wadanka ka musaafuriyaan isla markaana wax Documents’ ah aanu wadanka kala bixin, Nasiib Wanaag isaga oo Xafiiskiisa Dhex jooga ayaa inta ay Ciidamadu Amaanka Dhegta Soo qabteen Diyaarada ku tureen isaga oo Xidhan uun Dharkiisii uu ku soo shaqo Tagay oo qudha
Mr. Bischoss, intaasi kuma uusan joogin markii is bedelku ka dhacay Somaliland ee uu geeriyooday Cigaal, ayuu hadana Dalka Dib ugu soo noqday isaga markaasi Degay Magaalada Boorama, 2007-dii ayuu dib ugu soo noqday Magaalada Hargeysa.
2008-kii ayaa waxa uu guursaday Gabadh Ree Hargeysa ah, hase yeeshee mudo Afar bilood ah markii uu qabay ayay kala tageen, Sidoo kale xiligaasi waxa uu sheegtay in uu qaatay Diinta islaamka, waxaa mararka qaar dhici jirtay in misaajidada lagu dhex Arko isaga oo tukanaya, isla sanadkaasi waxa uu mar labaad guursaday gabadh kale oo Ree Hargeysa ah, halka warar kale ay sheegayaan in gabdhaha uu qabay intaasi ka badnaayeen hasa yeeshee lama xaqiijin.
Warar lagu kalsnoonyahay ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in ninkan Gaalka ahi aanu kaligii howsha ku jirin hase yeeshee Dumar iyo rag kale howsha u fududeeyeen oo hotelka loogu keeni jiray gabadha uu doono, Sidoo kale waxaa wax laga xumaado ahi in Camarada uu kaga duubayay Arintani hablaha Soomaaliyeed ay ahayd Camaradaha yar yar e Digital-ka, Sidoo kale wararku waxa ay sheegayaan in Gabdhahaasi markii Ficilkani lagu sameeynayay aanay waxba ka ogeyn in Filim laga duubayo

Maalintii Maxkamada la hor keenay Mr. Bischoss maxa Dhacay? Waa maxayna Sababta Dhabta ah ee Xukuumadu uga War Wareegeyso in Ay Go`aan ka qaadato Ninkani?
Waxaa Xusid mudan ninkani Maxakamadeyntiisu in aanay ilaa iyo imika suurta Galin Dhowr jeerna dib loo dhigay, Sidoo kale maalintii ugu horeeeysay ee maxkamada la keenay waxaa uu ka hor sheegay isagoo Si kibir ah u hadlaya in Arintani uu sameeyay ku qanacsanyahay mar hadii aanu Cidi qasbin oo ay gabdhuhu raali ka ahaayeen lacag fara bandanna uu siiyay , isla markaana wax dambi ah aanu galin mar hadii Somaliland Lagaga Dhaqmo Nidaamka Dimuqraadiyada, Waxa uu intaasi ku daray Mr. Bischoss, in Hadii la xukumo ama la daadifeeyo uu War bixin dheer ka qori doono Xukuumada Soomaliland waxa aana u gudbin doono buu yidhi Dowladeyda Germany, iyo dowladaha Caalamiga, Taasi oo aan ku cadeyn doono in soomaliland aanay ka jirin Wax Dimuqraadiyad ah, isla markaana ay ka been sheegayaan lacagaha ay ku qaataan Hurumarinta Dimuqraadiyada, Hadalkani uu meesha ka sheegay waxa ay Cabsi Xoog leh ku abuurtay Xukuumada Somaliland taas ayaana keentay in ilaa iyo imika wax go`aan ah ka qaadanin.
Isku soo wada duu duuboo Xukuumada Soomaliland waxaa horyaala laba Daran mid dooro, waa mida koowaade hadii ninkan xukun ku haboon ku Rido waxaa meesha ka baxeeysa wixii xukuumada ku faani jirtay ee ay odhan jireen Dimuqraadiyad ayaa ka jirta Somaliland, Mida labaad hadii ay sii deeyso ama ay mustaafuriso waxaa meesha ka baxeeysa kalsoonidii Shacabka ay ka haaysatay Xukuumadu, sidoo kale waxa ay Abuuri kartaa Qalaalaso mustaqbalkana Fowdo ka abuura Mandiqada, waayo waxaynu ka war qabnaa in Maalmihii ugu dambeeyay ururka Al-Shabaab Ka hadleen Arintan isla markaana Hanjabaadana u soo jeediyeen Xukuumada Somaliland Sida lagu daabacay qaar ka mid ah War baahinta afkooda ku hadasha Sida, Somalimemo iyo kuwa kale.

Warkii oo Dhan

Nasiib News

Jaceylkii Astaanka Qaranka Ku Najaxay (Love Success with the name of Government)

Marka hore waxaan salaamayaa dhamaan umada muslimka ah gaar ahaan reer Somaliland ,
Waxaan kaloo salaamayaa saxaafada afka somaliga ku hadasha gaar ahaana kuwa Somaliland..
Adduunka aynu ku noolahay waxa uu yahay mid ku dhisan nadaam is doorasho dhex maraaya lab iyo dhidig kawaas oo gudanaaya waajibkii ilaahay ina saaray ee ahaa markaa ficilka keentaan ayaa jawaabta helaysaan..
Wax badan ayaa laga hadlay jacaylka iyo arimihiisa iyadoo buug badana laga qoray ayaad hadana is odhanaysaa fari kama qodna

Labada qof ee jacaylku dhex maro kuwaada sheekada reebaa inta badan waxay noqdaan jacaylka guul daraysta, waxase jira jacaylo badan oo hir galay, iyadoo waliba ay kala duwan yihiin jacaylka gabadho wax jaceshay iyo ka ninku wax jecel yahay waxaana aynu odhan karnaa jacaylka gabadhu wax jeclaato ayaa badanaa guuleysta, waa marka aynu qiimaynta ka qaadano qarnigan..

Jacaylku labada qof dhexmarayaa waxa la isku raacsan yahay in uu mid ku horaynaayo ka kale in uu haleelo iyo in ka dagi waayo labadaba waa la arkaa waana dhacda in qofka jacaylku ku horeeya uu sameeyo tab iyo xeelad sidii uu qofkaa kale ugu abuuri lahaa jacaylka isaga haya.

Nuxurka sheekada
Magaalooyina waaweyn ee Somaliland oo mudooyinka danbe ay dhalin yaradu aad kor ugu soo kaxaysa ayaa waxa dhacday in wiilal iyo gabdhoba aad wax loo bartay ilaa heer jaacadu wadankii laga helay taas oo sababtay in shaqooyin laga helay shirkadaha gaarka loo leeyahay, haayadaha, Ngo iyo xafiisyada dawladaba wax kale oo badanaa suura galiyey in dhalin yartu aad isu barato technologyada casriga ah sida telfoonada iyo internet-ka

Hadaba waxa dhacday in gabadh xoghayn ka ah xafiis masuul sare oo ka tirsan xukuumada Somaliland ay calmatay ama jelcaatay wiil ay isku magaalo joogaan gabadhaas oo mudo badan wiilkaa u sheegaysay in ay jacashahay oo doonayso in nolol la wadaagto laakiin nasiib daro wiilkii jacaylkii waa ka dagi waayey, isagoo marnaba gabadhan aan tusin in uu si toosa u diidan yahay ayuu hadana jacaylkii sidii ay doonaysay ula wadi waayey ‘ dabcan aqoon daro dhanka jacaylka ahina waa haysay wiilka’ mudo sanado ah markii gabadhii ninkii daba socotay oo ay wax guula ka gaadhi wayday,, gabadhii tab u hadhsan oo kale markii ay wayday jacaylkiina lafaha sii jabiyey mudo bil ku dhaw ayey u fakaraysay sidii hal mar oo kale ugu quusan lahayd in uu ka aqbalo jacaylkeeda iyadoo arimo badan marba mid maskaxda ku qabatay ugu danbeyntii gabadhii waxay go’aan ku gaadhay in ay wiilkaa waraaq u qorto waraaqdaas oo ay ku dhan yihiin astaantii qaranka iyo shaabadii masuulka ay xafiiskiisa joogto,,

Qodobkaa markii ay heshay ayey si toosa ugu dhiiray waxaanay qortay waraaqdii iyadoo kaga sheekaysay jacaylku heerka uu la gaadhay iyo nolosha ay ku sugan tahay..

Ninkii markii ay gaadhay waraaqdii sumada, astaanta qaranka iyo shaabada masuul jago sare ka haya xukuumada ay gaadhay ee uu si fiican u akhristay wax ka yar 5 second ayuu ku aqbalay jacaylkii telfoona wuu u soo diray gabadhii isagoo u sheegay in uu jacaylkii la qaaday isla markaana mudo gaaban ay hawshii ku dhamaynayaan,, farxada iyo rayraynta maaha mid tafaasiil badan u baahan

Ugu danbeyntii

Reerkaasi waxay ku dhismeen waa astaanka qaranka iyo shaabada masuul sare oo ka tirsan xukuumada

Sacad ciise cumar
Berbera Somaliland

Warkii oo Dhan

Nasiib News
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